Alex Cokalis

Alex Cokalis
About our Founder
I am passionate about helping others in all aspects of life.
I have had the opportunity to focus this passion over the last 22 years within my financial planning career. I am grateful for this knowledge that can help you better use your income such that you have enough to spend today as well as have enough to spend in retirement.
In the majority of cases, I have found that you really don’t need to sacrifice nearly as much as you fear to achieve your goals. It honestly just takes some time to sit with me so we can work out the best strategy to get to where you want to be.
… and I’ll be with you every step of the way!
iPartner Financial Solutions was founded by Alex Cokalis, our principle financial adviser and managing director. Alex graduated from The University of Melbourne with honours within a Bachelor of Engineering and a Physics major within a Bachelor of Science. With a passion for financial advice he later completed his Advanced Diploma of Financial Services and entered the industry in 2001. With a range of roles within both the large banks (Commonwealth Bank of Australia, ANZ and BankWest) and Australia’s largest non-bank financial services provider, AMP, Alex brings a plethora of knowledge to the customer experience here at iPartner. Outside the industry, Alex lives by the philosophy of kindness and compassion and brings this energy into the workplace.
“Our prime purpose in life is to help others,” Dalai Lama
Personal Life
From a young age, Alex had a thirst for knowledge and wisdom. He quenched this thirst through scientific studies which continued throughout university. As he matured, he shifted more of his exploration from the outer world, to within. It was during this time that Alex recognised that the greatest wealth is achieved from a peaceful, joyful self and his personal aspirations of wealth transformed to include inner wellbeing.
Alex practices meditates regularly, is a keen study of ancient philosophies and practices and is fascinated with the power of the mind and how freeing it opens the path to inspiration, motivation, creativity and freedom.
Alex is the proud father of 2 teenage children who provide him with love and joy as well as valuable lessons in life. He stays active with rock climbing, running and walking, soccer and gains inspiration and energy when out in nature, whether it be a trek through the mountains or a swim in the ocean.
Alex’ daily practice of Health, Wealth and Wellbeing is a pursuit he tries to impart onto his friends and family as well as clients and enjoys working with them throughout their own life journey.